Aug 23, 2012
Just hold on for one more week, Sun Devil's almost here.
With the 2012 season and the Todd Graham era just seven days away, the new Speak of the Devils is here to get you primed and ready.
First, we break down the big news surrounding the team with Taylor Kelly winning the starting quarterback job, then analyze the newest shakeups with the team's most recent depth chart.
Then settle in, relax and enjoy the dulcet tones of "The Voice of Sun Devil Football", Mr. Tim Healey. We enjoy a lengthy and detailed chat with the veteran play-by-play man and get his insider take on the strengths and weaknesses of this year's team.
We end with a team by team breakdown of the 11 other Pac-12 schools and make our fearless conference picks.
Click Direct Download below to stream the new episode, or listen via iTunes